Playing with dolls is one of the most common games played by children all over the world. Children don’t need a doll that costs hundreds of dollars. Most of them will be perfectly happy with just a simple doll or figure. Most children will love a doll that looks just like them, which is how they will learn to appreciate their uniqueness.
Dolls allow your kids to use their imagination. All they have is a figure that looks like them, but that’s all they need. They recreate scenarios from their own lives and explore other relationships with the help of more dolls. Siblings and friends can play together and build an intricate world. Spending time together will also strengthen friendships between their friends and encourage them to share their feelings.
As a parent, you need to spend some time with your child too. Instead of forcing them to participate in mundane and boring activities, try to involve yourself in their favorite games. Here are some doll-themed games you can engage in with them.
Role Play
One of the simplest ways for you to play dolls with your child is by playing pretend with them. Each of you can role play as a character and create a story as you go along. There are a lot of benefits to role-playing games, one of which is you’re the development of social skills. You don’t have to play the adult in the game. Allow the child to lead the game and play along with what they want to do.
Dress Up
Many people’s passion for fashion begins from their early days. You can learn a lot about style from dressing up your dolls in fun and exciting outfits. As a parent, you can stitch new clothes for the dolls and let them dress the doll up. They can learn about colors and patterns from these games.
Tea Parties
Tea parties have always been one of the most common games children play with dolls. This is when parents are required to play with the guests and drink make-believe beverages. Ask your child to help you arrange the tea party and take their help to make finger sandwiches, pour orange juice, and arrange pastries onto a plate. . You can increase the fun by making an actual spread for their table that they can enjoy eating as they play along.

No matter what doll-themed game you are playing, you need a doll. You can buy a beautiful 18-inch black doll for your kids from Brains and Beauty Dolls. These dolls have features of girls of color, dark skin, and curly hair; everything that makes a black girl beautiful. You can also buy doll clothes & accessories to change your doll’s look.